Company Name | Kreis Co., Ltd. |
Owner | Kengo Nakashima |
Address | 36 Kawasaki Tuyama, Okayama, Japan 708-0841 |
Fees and Charges | All orders under 10,000JPY have a fixed shipping fee of 1,000JPY. For orders of 10,000 JPY or more, we offer free shipping. |
Shipping Schedule | We will inform you of the shipping schedule within two business days after we receive your order. You may cancel the order if you do not accept the schedule. |
Payment Due Date | Within one week after we inform you of the shipping schedule. |
Holiday | Saturday, Sunday, and national holiday in Japan |
Payment Method | PayPal, or Credit Card For credit card payments, we accept only VISA cards and 4% of the total amount is charged as the handling charge. |
Refund | Basically we do not offer refunds. This is standard policy for magic shops. |
Faulty Item | Please notify us within 7 days after receiving the item. We will send you a replacement after the faulty item is returned to us. We will pay the shipping fee to return the item. |
Tel | +81-868-26-1030 |
E-mail Address | |
Homepage | |